Mar 27, 2022Liked by Chuchundra

I feel like as a teenager/young adult working these kinds of jobs, I learned way more from the Bobs of the workplace than anyone else. You start out the girl crying when she sees the schedule, but if you can stick it out, best case scenario you end up Bob. Great story!

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

I had a tiny moment a bit like this once (though less vivid of a story), when an employer screwed me over. I got injured working there, and it was my manager's fault, but the only witness was that same manager, who lied about the whole thing to cover his own incompetence. His boss (who I fully believe knew he was lying) nevertheless told me I had to come in, despite the injury. I told her that wasn't happening and that I quit. She insisted that I had to give two-weeks notice and that I had to either come in or get my shifts covered. Since I didn't need the reference, I said, "Actually, I don't. You see, Washington is what's called an 'at-will' work state, which means...[you can pound sand, essentially, because I don't have to do jack for you]." She was left pissed and spluttering, because she obviously didn't expect any of us to know our rights. It didn't help with me being injured and out a job, but it sure was satisfying.

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I was very lucky – all of my '(nearly) minimum wage' jobs were pretty great. (It almost certainly helped that I was never at any when the company's were going thru any 'corporate drama'.)

Almost all of my bad/demeaning work experience has been at (relatively) 'professional' companies!

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